Many of our customers use My Neat Health products, such as our healthy entrees and high protein breakfasts, to lose weight; thereby, creating a healthier lifestyle. Several studies have found that maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and more. However, an 18-year study by the National Library of Medicine found that only about 8% of Americans adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
Here are 15 behaviors to help you create a healthier lifestyle.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping is an essential part of life, and most of us need six to eight hours of sleep per night. Sleep allows your body and mind to rest and rejuvenate and produce crucial hormones. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to obesity, hormone imbalances, high blood pressure, compromised immune systems, and more.
Brush and Floss Daily
When you consider a healthy lifestyle, you need to look at the whole package, including your teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth helps remove plaque – the leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease. The American Dental Association recommends brushing with a soft-bristled brush for two minutes twice a day and flossing once a day.
Be Mindful
Being mindful means different things to different people, but the idea is to pay attention to your thoughts and sensations to achieve focused relaxation. For some, it can be as simple as slowing down and enjoying the little things – like taking time to stop and smell the roses. Others take it a step further with medication, yoga, prayer, etc.
Regular stretching helps increase flexibility, increase range of motion, decrease injury risk, relieve stress, and so much more. Here’s one full-body stretching routine to try.
Stand Tall
Good posture helps reduce the risk of low back pain, reduce headaches, increase energy levels, and more. And let’s face it, when you’re standing tall, you look and feel better.
Exercise Your Mind
Research shows that stimulating your brain may provide long-term benefits to your mind and body, such as improving concentration, focus, memory, and mental agility. Challenge your mind every day by completing crossword puzzles, learning a new language, etc.
Go Offline
Being online isn’t a bad thing. Heck, you’re online as you read this excellent article. However, when you start spending mindless hour upon hour online, it can have adverse effects on your body and mind. Occasionally going offline offers several benefits – you’re more productive, less stressed, and research has even shown that it can help you sleep better. Maybe you can start with something as simple as putting your phone away during family meals.
Laughter is the best medicine; we’ve all heard it. And the health benefits of laugher are well documented. It can stimulate your organs, reduce stress, ease tension, improve your immune system, relieve pain, and so much more. So go ahead – watch a funny cartoon with your kids, watch a silly sitcom, buy a book of jokes.
Get Outside
Studies show that spending time with Mother Nature has strong healing powers. It can help you both physically and mentally by lowering your blood pressure, reducing stress, improving your mood, increasing your vitamin D levels, and helping you heal quicker. So, take a brisk walk around the block over your lunch break, head to a local hiking trail, start a garden. Spend time outside every day, and you’ll feel much better.
Protect Your Skin
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? It performs many essential functions, such as regulating your body temperature and protecting you against germs. To keep your skin healthy, stay hydrated, eat right, get plenty of sleep, and avoid toxins such as alcohol and tobacco. Also, be mindful when you are in the sun by limiting your exposure, wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, and monitoring your skin.
Eat Breakfast
Eating breakfast kick-starts your metabolism to help you burn more calories throughout the day, and it gives you the energy you need to get things done. Several studies have found that eating breakfast can improve your memory, lower your bad cholesterol, and lower your chance of heart disease, diabetes, and weight gain.
Stay Balanced
Good balance is crucial to a healthy lifestyle at any age. It helps you avoid injuries and keeps you active longer. Anything that keeps you moving can help improve balance – even walking. You can take it one step further with Yoga or Tai Chi.
Manage Stress
Stress is a natural part of life that has been shown to strengthen immune systems and improve cognitive skills; however, too much stress can compromise our emotional and physical well-being. There are many ways to manage your stress – exercising, deep breathing, taking time for yourself, learning to say no, talking with someone, etc.
During COVID, many of us were reminded that we truly are social creatures. We need to feel a sense of community and a connection with people to feel our best. That could be as simple as enjoying a meal with one other person or joining a church or club.
Increase Protein Intake
Several studies suggest that a high-protein diet offers many benefits for weight loss and metabolic health. Here are a few scientifically proven benefits of a high-protein diet – reduces appetite, increases muscle mass, boosts metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and much more.
For a healthier lifestyle, try to incorporate a few of these behaviors and check out My Neat Health products - formulated by health experts and medical professionals to help you maintain a healthy weight.